The Purpose of a Lawyer
It is common cause that an advocate is part of the justice system of Zambia, and any other civilised jurisdiction world over.
The role of an advocate comes with high levels of responsibilities, which include the following:
The purpose of a lawyer at all times is to ensure that justice is done. It means that an advocate does not go to court to win, but to ensure that justice is done.
As advocates, when you are called upon by a client asking you to seek justice for them, remember to give an objective position with regards to what actually constitutes justice, using a combination of facts, evidence at hand and the applicable law, among others, and don’t allow the emotions or malice of your client to sway your reasoning.
The Attorney-General called on all advocates to always remember the real purpose that a lawyer plays in the justice system.
Decorum at the bar
Advocates are supposed to have the highest levels of decorum towards the bench, other advocates, clients and indeed members of the public, that is an integral part of the legal profession, and it is, non-negotiable.
The Attorney-General expressed disappointment at the low levels of decorum in the legal profession, citing an example of demand letters written by some advocates falling short of the threshold of decorum that is attached to an advocate.
He has since called on advocates to uphold levels of decorum that are rightfully expected from a lawyer.
Dress Code
The Attorney-General has observed with dismay the dropping levels of commitment regarding the proper dress code of an advocate in and outside of court.
He reminded all advocates on the need to dress and present themselves in a manner that is befitting of an advocate.
Interaction with Social Media
Social media, like the name itself suggest, is meant for matters and events that are social in nature. The practice of law is not a social expedition.
The Attorney- General has noted with concern the high appetite for lawyers to constantly post on social media, details of matters they are handling in court.
Advocates have since been called upon to draw a very thick line between social activities meant for social media and matters that come to their attention in their capacity as advocates.